Danielle Wilde is Associate Professor of Design Research at the University of Southern Denmark, Kolding. Her research is focused on embodied interaction, next generation wearables, post-disciplinary and disruptive research strategies, and the convergence of craft, design and science. She holds a practice-based PhD from Monash University, Melbourne (Art, Design and Architecture) and CSIRO – Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Materials Science and Engineering). She also hold an MA (Interaction Design) from the Royal College of Art, London, and has extensive training and experience in physical theatre and circus, as well as clothing and object construction and design, all of which inform her research activities. Her work spans material, technology and design innovation; poetics, performativity, participation and play; fashion, wearables and body-based technologies; health, wellness, ability and
creativity; and design thinking.
“What might the future of embodied interaction be – beyond the digital paradigm?
New materials and techniques are transforming what is technically, aesthetically and ecologically viable. These innovations bring exciting challenges and opportunities.
Yet few designers are equipped to engage with them. This is not a talk about how to develop the next new thing, but rather how to sustainably practice, and embody material interactions of a future you dream to inhabit.”
Danielle Wild / University of Southern Denmark
Breaking the Mold: Embodied, Sustainable and Wild
Talk: Monday, June 29th 2015 / 19:00
Oberlichtsaal / Hauptgebäude
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8
99423 Weimar
This talk is part of the Bauhausinteraction Colloquium.