Talk: Marc Hassenzahl – Complicated Pleasures: Designing Meaningful Moments, 25. Juni 2014

The concluding talk of the Bauhausinteraction Colloquium for the summer semester will be given by Marc Hassenzahl.

Dr. Marc Hassenzahl is a Professor and head of the Experience Design group at the Folkwang University of Arts in Essen, Germany. His research interests revolve around the positive aspects of interactive products, their beauty and the question of how to design for positive experiences. In 2010 he published the book “Experience Design: Technology for All the Right Reasons” (Morgan & Claypool Publishers).

For further information, visit his webpage at:

“Instead of focusing on form, materiality, and instrumentality only, designers and researchers now embrace emotion, story, and meaning. Through this, a good part of any designed artefact becomes intangible – experiences inscribed into the material, shaped by interaction.
Obviously, those experiences must be designed, too. They must become an explicit objective of design, not only an appreciated by-product of use. They must be even considered before the product. In this view, experiences are stories told through interacting with the material. The designer becomes the author of those stories. While some stories are straightforward tales of pleasure and easily adopted by people, others may be more challenging.

Meaning, reflection and personal change often require a little friction. Consequently meaningful experiences can be bittersweet, “complicated pleasures” (to borrow a term from Dunne and Raby). This talk discusses the opportunities and challenges emerging from a notion of experience-oriented design that focuses on meaningful moments.”

Marc Hassenzahl / Folkwang University of Arts, Essen
Complicated Pleasures – Designing Meaningful Moments

Talk: Wednesday (!!), June 25th 2014 / 19:00
Oberlichtsaal / Hauptgebäude
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8
99423 Weimar

This talk is part of the Bauhausinteraction Colloquium.