The OpenProcessLab Weimar launches a new website

The OpenProcessLab is an experimental space for students to conduct experimental work in the field of 3D-printing, electronics, CAD and related topics. The new lab website will serve as a platform for knowledge exchange, case study presentations and announcements surrounding the activities in the lab.



We’re at the TEI 2016 conference

We’re currently presenting project results and research findings at the TEI 2016 conference in Eindhoven, NL. Below is a list of our contributions and some pictures from the conference:

UPDATE 17.2.2016 – Eric Geißler’s project SenSole just won the Jury Award of the Student Design Challenge at TEI 2016. Congratulations Eric!
UPDATE 23.2.2016

Pneumatibles (Full paper + Demo):
Kristian Gohlke, Eva Hornecker, and Wolfgang Sattler. 2016. Pneumatibles – Exploring Soft Robotic Actuators for the Design of User Interfaces with Pneumotactile Feedback. Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. TEI 2016. (pdf).

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