We’re currently presenting project results and research findings at the TEI 2016 conference in Eindhoven, NL. Below is a list of our contributions and some pictures from the conference:
UPDATE 17.2.2016 – Eric Geißler’s project SenSole just won the Jury Award of the Student Design Challenge at TEI 2016. Congratulations Eric!
UPDATE 23.2.2016 – http://www.uni-weimar.de/de/medieninformationen/archiv/titel/8580/
Pneumatibles (Full paper + Demo):
Kristian Gohlke, Eva Hornecker, and Wolfgang Sattler. 2016. Pneumatibles – Exploring Soft Robotic Actuators for the Design of User Interfaces with Pneumotactile Feedback. Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. TEI 2016. (pdf).
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