Kia Höök / Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm
Designing for Somaesthetics
Kristina Höök is known for her work on social navigation, seamfulness, mobile services, affective interaction and lately, designing for bodily engagement in interaction. She is a Professor in Interaction Design at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. She started and currently leads the Mobile Life centre, is listed as one of Sweden’s 50 most influential IT-women of the year – consecutively since 2008, and is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
“With the advent of new technologies, such as biosensors worn on your body, interactive clothes, or wearable computers, a whole space of possibilities for gesture-based, physical and body-based interaction is opened. Yet designing explicitly for bodily experiences with digital technology remains a notably challenging design task. The actual corporeal, pulsating, live, felt body has been notably absent from both theory and practical work and there has been a lack of theories that can provide the underpinnings to deepen our design thinking. How can we do a better job in interaction design involving ourbodies? I will discuss how Shusterman’s theories of somaesthetics might provide some inspiration.”
This talk is part of the Bauhausinteraction Colloquium.
Monday, April 14th 2014 / 19:00
Oberlichtsaal / Hauptgebäude
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8