Sneak Preview: Tatort Weimar – Stunt Doubles aus dem 3D Drucker

Tatorttassen aus dem 3D Drucker

Zwischen Forschung und Lehre bleibt manchmal auch Platz für ungewöhnliche Anfragen: Die Produktion zwei stummer Nebendarsteller für den übernächsten aktuellen Weimar Tatort auf dem 3D-Drucker im Digital Bauhaus Lab.

Die Tassen sind in ABS-Kunststoff gedruckt und dienen bei den Dreharbeiten als robuste Stunt-Doubles für echte Porzellantassen. Die Details des Drehbuch bleiben bis zum Sendetermin am 5. Februar 2017 geheim, aber es wird wohl etwas Porzellan zu Bruch gehen. Nun bleibt zu hoffen dass wir uns nicht an der Produktion der Mordwaffen mitschuldig gemacht haben…

Tatort – Der scheidende Schupo
Sonntag 05.02.17 | 20:15 Uhr im Ersten Deutschen Fernsehen

UPDATE 6. Februar 2017:

Tatort - Der scheidende Schupo EA 5.2.2017 Screenshot ARD Mediathek

…vorspulen zu Position 1:01:00 (Vorsicht Spoiler!)

The OpenProcessLab Weimar launches a new website

The OpenProcessLab is an experimental space for students to conduct experimental work in the field of 3D-printing, electronics, CAD and related topics. The new lab website will serve as a platform for knowledge exchange, case study presentations and announcements surrounding the activities in the lab.



We’re at the TEI 2016 conference

We’re currently presenting project results and research findings at the TEI 2016 conference in Eindhoven, NL. Below is a list of our contributions and some pictures from the conference:

UPDATE 17.2.2016 – Eric Geißler’s project SenSole just won the Jury Award of the Student Design Challenge at TEI 2016. Congratulations Eric!
UPDATE 23.2.2016

Pneumatibles (Full paper + Demo):
Kristian Gohlke, Eva Hornecker, and Wolfgang Sattler. 2016. Pneumatibles – Exploring Soft Robotic Actuators for the Design of User Interfaces with Pneumotactile Feedback. Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. TEI 2016. (pdf).

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CNN reports on product-design graduation project at the London Design Festival 2015

After Weimar, Cologne, Frankfurt, Berlin, Shanghai, our Product-Desig alumnus Xinyu Weng recently presented his newly founded design studio yuue at the London Design Festival 2015.

CNN reports from London:

“Young design duo Yuue’s offerings were the most representative of a new conceptual approach to design that seems to be emerging. Their lamps were functional but also thought-provoking and humorous. What more could one want from the stuff that surrounds us?”

Check out their project website to learn more about the work and get in touch with yuee. The works were developed as part of Xinyu’s graduation project advised by Professor Wolfgang Sattler and Kristian Gohlke at the Bauhaus-University Weimar.

Xinyu Weng - Good Medicine Tastes BitterIf you want to support a young and emerging berlin based design duo, you can pre-order Balance and the thought provoking Time Killer directly from them.

Die Designstudenten…

…Lisa Hoffmann, Muriel McCalla und Daniel Scheidler aus dem Masterprogramm Nachhaltige Produktkulturen an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar haben am Rande der Vienna Biennale 2015 über ihre Haltung zum Design gesprochen.

Muriel McCalla (c) Stephan Deininger

“Die Welt verbessern? Funktion erfüllen? Fragen stellen? Was ist die Aufgabe von Design heute? Wir befragten Studentinnen und Studenten des Master-Studiengangs Produkt-Design/Nachhaltige Produktkulturen der renommierten deutschen Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar. Sie besuchten die Vienna Biennale – Ideas for Change und gaben sich gegenüber ihrer Disziplin kritisch. Eine Statementreihe.” 

…zum Artikel:


Good Medicine Tastes Bitter – A Graduation Project by Xinyu Weng

“Good medicine tastes bitter.” said Confucius.

Although its taste is not so pleasant, at least it cures the disease.
What’s more, it keeps us awake.

Do products always have to satisfy the users? How can products that purposely made not so useful affect our perception and understanding of it? How can designers deliver ideas through products? In this project, I try to create a series of products that are not so useful but have good intentioned messages inside, as to explore the purpose and future of product design.

Xinyu Weng
Good Medicine Tastes Bitter
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Bachelor Thesis
Product Design / Interaction Design / Speculative Design
Summer 2014
Supervised by Prof. Wolfgang Sattler and Kristian Gohlke

Good Medicine Tastes Bitter

More pictures after the break or on the project website.

Update: Wired article about the project.

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Our TinkerBots are growing up…

Beyond several rounds of seed funding, the successful aqcuisition of venture capital and a growing number of employees and patents, our alumi from the product-design programme are also doing a great job at getting crowdfunding for the first production run of TinkerBots.

Six days before the end their campain has reached 265% of the requested funding and is still running strong. As of now, this sums up to 260,000+ $. Congratulations!

Be among the first to get a set of TinkerBots!

This is the story behind the project:

The crowdfunding campaign has finished and raised a total of 290,505 $ Thanks to everyone who supported the project!

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